Town of Salisbury: Salisbury Parks & Recreation
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Dog Park Donations Register View Cart

Sponsor A Dog Waste Removal Service at Our Local Dog Park
The Dirty Facts: Pet waste is full of bacteria, parasites, and other harmful organisms that can negatively impact the health of humans and also our pets. When it rains, improperly disposed of pet waste makes its way down storm drains, and out into Salisbury's surrounding water bodies, causing all sorts of harm. It can lead to increased algal growth, decreased oxygen content in the water, and can even cause fish kills when it reaches our waterways.
Dog waste bag dispensers are provided as a courtesy for public use. If a dispenser is empty, we encourage pet owners to find alternative means to dispose of their pet’s waste. Salisbury s PUP Program hopes to provide a dedicated barrel for dog waste bags at the Dog Park. This service will be provided as funding and support are available.
Support this program through banner or tag sponsorship.
Salisbury's Dog Park is an off-leash dog park where the community can bring their licensed, vaccinated, and well-behaved dogs to run free and play. We are dedicated to promoting healthy dogs through socialization, play, and responsible dog ownership. The Park is located within Partridge Brook Park on 100 Lafayette Rd. behind SES.
______ Annual Dog Tag $50
______Annual Banner $250
______Other Amount

I have included ______ or will forward _______, a corporate logo and printed material for our program advertisement.

Email logo to Jennifer Roketenetz:
Please fill-out the following form to confirm your chosen sponsorship package. Completed forms can be returned to Salisbury Parks, 5 Beach Rd., Salisbury, MA 01952 or uploaded and paid online.
Please feel free to contact with any questions: 978-462-8232-x128


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Dog Park Donation 
N/A N/A   12/01/2022 - 12/01/2050

$1.00 Res, $1.00 Non-Res
This is a DONATION towards Dog Park Improvements
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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